Additional Resources
For those who want to continue their own Positive Expatriation journey we offer additional services and products.
Either you dive into our card set or workbook for self-guided continuous learning or you join our exclusive offers for deep, continuous personal solutions and social learning (such as the Positive Expatriation Club). Also your books might be a good additional resource for those who are interested to deepen their knowledge on succesfull expatriations.
Get in touch!Starting with Positive Expatriation is life-changing and not a single event. But it is easy to learn how to change routines, cognitive patterns, be more aware etc. Step by step you will get there.
Our Services

You can’t learn to play the piano or skiing within one day. And it’s exactly the same with Positive Expatriation, apart from the fact that you quickly become addicted to it. For those who want MORE, we offer a wide range of additional resources alongside our training courses to make Positive Expatriation an easy part of life abroad.
At Positive Expatriation, we are committed to providing tools that are accessible to everyone. You can find some self-guided learning materials and resources on this page and, of course, if you need any further guidance, we are always here to help. Just choose what fits you best.
1. Card Set
The card set is meant to be a constant companion for the continuous use of positive psychology in the everyday life of an expatriate. It is fun to work with it, because you feel the positive effects immediatly.
In the card set you find 52 exercises for a good and successful life abroad. All of these exercises have already proven their effect in studies. What makes the set special is, that you learn to think, act, and feel like a positive expat. From day to day more! What did you learn this day in the new culture? How can you treat yourself and what makes you feel good? And what are you grateful for?
Price: 25,00 € + VAT
If you are interested and you would like to reserve one, just contact us! Send us an email >
2. Workbook for Expat Couples
How to become a successful expat partner team? A self-guide for expats and expat partners to becoming the creator of their expatriation – one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences! With our workbook you connect deeply with Positive Expatriation through self-study.
Are you an expat and are you having a partner or are you an expat partner yourself? Then this workbook is just the right lecture for you if you want to make the best out of your stay abroad and feel good as a pair in your new roles in a new environment. Independently from the expatriation stage you are in, it does not matter whether you are considering an expatriation, whether you are in preparation of an expatriation, whether you are in full swing of your expatriate adventure or whether you are in the process of repatriation to your home country, you will be finding beneficial theoretical explanations and at the same time self-guided practices that help you and your partner to see the bigger picture of your expatriation, to name challenges, to create solutions that are authentic and long-lasting.
Price: 35 €+ VAT
If you are interested and you would like to reserve one, just contact us! Send us an email >
3. Club
The Positive Expatriation Club is for anyone who wants train continuously. It’s just like a fitness club. The membership is only for Positive Expatriation Alumni.
The motto of the Positive Expatriation Club is: Community, Connectivity, Continuity, Content and Consultation. It is very exclusive because only 12 members per cohort can join: Go on a 12 Months Positive Expatriation journey with only 12 people!
For more detailed information please contact us. Send us an email >
4. Book on Flourishing Expat Kids
We are currently working together with a dear colleague (Angela Schreiner) on a book about expat kids. What we have found are novel and encouraging answers for parents, teachers, counselors etc.: How can expat kids face the chances and challenges in a way that they are able to flourish abroad?
How can families, schools and companies support expat kids feeling good and help them to learn more about their “superpowers”. Positive Psychology and numerous interviews that were conducted by the authors with expat kids, expat parents, international schools and experts helped in finding to figure out what expat kids need to “flourish” (Seligman, 2001),
The book includes theoretical and empirical evidence that wellbeing can be learnt. In addition, it comprises a tool-box for daily (school) life which can significantly help to improve the life of expat kids.
The book will be published in German with Springer and is upcoming in Spring 2024.
If you are interested and you would like to reserve one, just contact us! We will get it to you as soon it is printed! Contact us >
5. Book on Expatriate Coaching
After Judith became a certified coach herself (Raleigh Coaching Academy / USA), she published together with a dear colleague of her, Susan Hoentzsch (karrierpfade), a book about the efficiency of (intercultural) coaching in the context of expatriation.
Several authors answer with respect to different main subjects the question what kind of coaching really support before, during and after an expatriation. Not only the expat himself is in the center of attention, but also the partner and children that do also have to find ways to create a new life abroad.
The book also contains a joint contribution by Juidith and Bernadette on the subject of: Expatriate Growth Coaching – With positive mindset to expatriate success.
The book is available in German.
6. Book on Employee Assignments
Judith contributed to a standard handbook on Employee Assignments that is published by Reinhold Mauer (Beck). Human Resources Management, Employment Law, Tax Law as well as Social Security Law are covered.
The Handbook was written for all pracitioners that are managing employee assignments today. It includes numerous explanations as well as samples for employment contracts, assignement policies. European as well as national regulations as well as important decisions made by the European Court of Justice and National Courts of Justice are taken into consideration.
The book is only available in German.
7. Book on expatriation as a career instrument
Inspired by her own stay abroad in the US, Bernadette decided to do her doctoral reserach on expatriate mangement. In her thesis she collaborated with a well-known big German global player who is recognized for excellent international HR work.
Her doctoral thesis was published in 2010 and is about the importance of career management in the context of international assignments – a case study of Robert Bosch GmbH. She completed her doctorate with honors.
The book is only available in German.